Thursday, November 24, 2011

What I'm Thankful For--Including Stupid People

I decided to post this on Thanksgiving instead of Wednesday night. I hope you don't mind.

I'm thankful for family, a bed to lay my head on, a coat to keep warm on cold days, and a roof to keep me dry on rainy/snowy nights.

I'm grateful for beautiful music, for lyrics that move me, for songs that keep me sane, and for people who still write music, not manufacture it.

I'm thankful for abilities I have, for the brain in my head, for the heart in my chest,  and for health and strength.

I could write ten pages of things I'm thankful, but I'll stop there for now.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Announcement and Words

I've been thinking about this blog a lot over the weekend and have decided that three posts a week will be a better plan than posts every weekday. I will be updating this blog on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. This will allow me to write better content and will not cause me to burn out too quickly and hate the whole blogging thing.

Recently, I've been working on the first Sagebrush Rebellion album. So far I have song ideas for most of it, a name for the album (which I am not ready to announce yet), and a couple songs finish. The first song I finished is a rewrite of a song that's been hanging around for several years. I've re-written the lyrics several times since its original version. I believe that I have found the final version now. The new words fit the theme I want the album to follow and are closer to the style I want all the lyrics in this project to be.