Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Lowdown on Lewiston

Well, I wanted to tell you and show you a bit of what I've been up to, so maybe you'll forgive me for my LONG absence. I think I may just need to create a new label for these last three blog posts, EXCUSES.

So, my dad and I came up here to move me into an apartment before school started. We got in late on a Thursday night. The next morning while eating breakfast, I saw that a coffee shop/cafe was having an open mic that night. So that night, I went over to The Cafe Sage to see how it was, and ended up performing.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Sagebrush Rebel is back!

Yes, you are actually reading a blog post again. No, this is not a dream. Nor is it deja vu. This is new. This is right. This is now.

So, I suppose explanations are in order, eh?

Well, Christmas was crazy, I struggled through recording and then lost all my files, compounded with a move clear across the state to a new state, and being without internet for awhile, plus getting moved in and accustomed to a new city.

Then, it happened. I got asked to join a band. I've been playing my folk music around town in all the coffee shops (which Lewiston has an abundance of really nice coffee houses), and got noticed. Now I'm in a rock band and I've been busy practicing, playing shows, doing schoolwork, finding friends, chasing females (ok THAT is a lie), etc.

Have no fear, new content is on the way. Starting tomorrow. I will have something BRAND NEW and exciting for you then. I can't wait either.